May 3, 2011

a promise in the sky

Friday afternoon, the storm clouds parted for just a moment -
and in the east, we spotted the biggest, brightest rainbow that 
we had seen in many, many years. 

It had begun to fade a bit by this point...

I was immediately reminded of God's promise.

"I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and
it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.
Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears
in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and
you and all living creatures of every kind.
Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.
Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it
and remember the everlasting covenant between God and
all living creatures of every kind on the earth."

Genesis 9:13-16

If you live anywhere in the Midwest right now,
you might need a reminder of that promise too. ;)
It's beginning to seem as if the rain will never stop!

But, for a little bit Friday, and then Saturday -
we had a short reprieve.
Time to work in the garden, and enjoy the apple blossoms.

it's raining again...
but I'm learning many lessons about trusting
in God's promises in all areas of my life.
He is good.


sarah beth said...

Beautiful Kate! I'm glad you got to capture that gorgeous rainbow. When I was reading through Genesis a couple of months ago the part that says "My rainbow" struck me. As many know a certain group of people these days have claimed the rainbow as their symbol. It seems so ironic to me that something that God used as a covenant and a reminder, after wiping the earth of wickedness is a symbol for a sinful way of life.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, I love rainbows! They're such a testimony of God's goodness and faithfulness! Love the pictures. :)

Kkly said...

Beautiful, especially the first. Wonderful promise, especially considering now when it seems like it will never be dry again. I can't believe your seeds came up and didn't get washed out! We haven't even started yet. How dry does the soil have to be to plant?

Kate said...

Kimberly - the ones that we have planted are in a raised bed, so they have faired a little better than if they were in the ground. Supposably we aren't going to get any more rain until Saturday, so depending on how well-drained your garden is, you should be able to plant things tomorrow or Friday. The main concern at this point is - if it's too wet, the dirt will dry like concrete over the poor little seeds and they won't be able to break through. Friday will hopefully be perfect! :)

Kkly said...

Thankyou Kate! Mom and I were kindof worrying about our garden this year!

A Fellow Seeker of Truth said...

Wow, those pictures are beautiful! The first one was my favorite :] I love seeing rainbows and being reminded of God's promise and love for us. His creation is truly an incredible display of His creativity and power.

In Him,

Tarissa said...

That is a beautiful rainbow! You know, I can't truly say I've ever seen one like that... from one end to the other. What a spectacular sight that must have been, to see it in person!

Christianna said...

Apple blossoms! We don't have those yet here! =)