November 18, 2010

pure religion

No, I'm not adopted, nor is anyone in my family,
we've never adopted - and no, we're not about to (bummer.)
But, adoption is a subject that God has laid heavy on my heart since -
well, for as long as I can remember -
and my memory can go a ways back...

There's always been an ache in me when I hear about
orphans - anywhere.
I think we all could say that, right?

But it's just getting stronger, deeper;
I'd be there to get them in five seconds if I could.
I haven't been able to forget about them anymore.
I just know orphans are a piece of my future; somehow.

But that's not exactly the topic of this post,
which is a little more urgent, pressing.

I'm keeping up-to-date with the story of a little girl named
a little girl who has waited in a crib for four years for a
family, and who finally has one coming.
They are fighting to get there as soon as possible to bring
Julia and her soon-to-be brother, Sergey, home.

But there's a problem.

I've been reading about this everywhere - and it's driving
me crazy to the point that I have to write something.
Their home country - Ukraine - is currently in the process
of passing legislation that would stop international adoptions.
It has already passed once, and only needs to pass again
when they vote on it sometime this month.

And just like that,
Julia, and Sergey, and many, many, other children who
are currently in process will be stuck there.
They might never get to their families.
Just like that.

This has already happened in so many countries,
Guatemala, Liberia, and others.
All we can do is pray, and I guess that's what I'm asking.
Pray that God would change the hearts of Ukranian officials,
and that those children will be able to come home.

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
James 1:27

All images are of children I met during my Jan. 2010 journey to the Dominican Republic - you can read about the impact the Dominican children made on me in an old post of mine:


Amanda said...

I've been following the story too, and praying!! God has a plan....

Mary Ruth Pursselley said...

I will be praying.

Kyleigh said...

I'm praying, Kate.