September 17, 2010

Wonderfully Overwhelmed

I'm just overwhelmed with God's goodness.

We're waiting still (until Tuesday) for our kitchen countertop,
and there are still lots of little loose ends to tuck in -
but the sun was really shining through the clouds today.
We are seeing the end (the beginning!)...
and as I stated earlier this evening - we are just tickled Fuchsia. :)

We're overwhelmed;
and wonderfully so!

On a sadder note, the chick didn't make it...
He was just a little beyond helping by the time I found him.
I figured so, but I've always had this
sympathetic doctoring tendency that I can't seem to shake;
no matter how hopeless the case may be...
I just feel better having tried. :)

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Beautiful picture!

Sorry about the chick :(